This screen is divided into menu section on the left and the main section in front of you.
The main section shows the pages of the short biography and the collections of art works, belonging to a specific category. An arrow
will lead you to the next page of a collection.
You may click any item in a collection or in the short biography. A new page will open with an enlarged image and complete information about it.
Some of the enlarged images may have links to other related collections.
Buttons themes:, story: or qualities: will lead you to another place in the catalogue or the short biography, which is relevant to this item. Clicking the enlarged image itself will bring you back to its "usual" location.
Buttons details: (1) (2) will zoom into particular details of the item.
The menu section on the left lets you choose a subject matter, an artistic quality, or the short biography. Some items of the menu have sub-menus.
The buttons back and forward in the upper left corner work as in any internet browser: they allow you to go several steps backwards or forward.
Button home will bring you to the introduction, the schedule of the Friedl Dicker-Brandeis. Life in Art and Teaching international exhibition, the description of the paper catalogue, and the credits information.